Hornet Infestations: The Dangers And How To Prevent Them In Chesapeake


Hornets are a common insect pest found around Chesapeake properties during the warmer summer months. Anyone who’s been chased or stung by angry hornets understands the annoyance and fear these pests can create. This article will focus on the most important parts of hornet control. We’ll give you information on how to quickly identify these pests, the risks and dangers of having a hornet problem in your yard, and the best way to deal with and get them off your property. Lastly, we’ll talk about some practical steps that will help you keep your yard free of hornets in the future. Our team at Hawk Mosquito & Pest has been delivering quality pest control in Chesapeake for years, and we’re passionate about educating homeowners regarding dealing with pests. 

Hornet Identification: Key Markers To Help You Identify Hornets 

The first step in pest control for hornets is to know how to identify them. Hornets tend to either be brown and yellow or black and white in appearance. Their bodies are divided into three segments and closely resemble a wasp’s body. They range from half an inch to an inch and a half in length, depending on the species. Hornets have two antennae and six legs. Their bodies are mostly hairless, and they have smooth stingers, which means they are capable of stinging multiple times. Hornets build aerial nests from a papery brown substance that comes from cellulose. These nests tend to be oval or shaped like a globe, and they are usually located in a protected environment, like a hollow tree, abandoned barn, or attic. Hornets are often much more aggressive than wasps or bees. In the next section, we’ll talk about why pest control for hornets is so important.  

Stings And Health Risks: The Dangers Of Hornet Encounters 

As mentioned above, hornets are quite aggressive. They are likely to attack any person or animal that comes too close to their territory. Certain types of hornets also damage trees and shrubs by stripping off the bark to use in constructing their nests and to get to the sap. Hornets can sting multiple times and sometimes chase their targets for long distances. People with allergies to insect venom may suffer severe allergic reactions from hornet stings. Now that you know about the dangers of hornets, let’s discuss the best hornet control method – professional pest control. 

Experienced Hornet Control: Restoring Peace With Professional Control 

When dealing with a hornet infestation, your best option is to contact a professional pest control service as quickly as possible. Hawk Mosquito & Pest has been helping homeowners in Chesapeake for years, and we’ve established a reputation as an affordable, eco-friendly, efficient pest service. We’re committed to our total customer satisfaction guarantee; we get the job done right every time. When you need pest control for hornets in Chesapeake, just call Hawk Mosquito & Pest! 

Creating A Hornet-Free Zone: Essential Steps For Prevention 

Now that you know the best way to safely remove hornets from your yard, the final step in complete hornet control is to ensure these pests can’t return. Here’s how to control hornets and keep them from re-entering your yard: 

  • Inspect your property regularly for signs of hornet’s nests.
  • Seal any cracks or gaps in the exterior of your home or other buildings that hornets might try to enter.
  • Store garbage in sealed bins.
  • Don’t leave food uncovered outside. 

The advice above should help you minimize the chances of dealing with a hornet infestation on your property. Don’t forget that you can always contact our team at Hawk Mosquito & Pest with any questions you might have.